Diksionåriu Advanced
CH → Eng
Eng → CH

Finiho' Ha'åni



Search Guide

Wildcard Searches

* = any number of characters
han* → starts with "han..."
*anao → ends with "...anao"
fan*yan → starts with "fan...", ends in "...yan"
? = one character
pott? → "potta", "potte", "potto"
?okse → "fokse", "hokse"
~ = fuzzy search
konbetsa~ → (Fuzzy Search for similar spellings)

Basic search ignores dash (-) and glotta ('). Wildcard searches are sensitive to these characters.

Compound Searches

: → Searches of the form [query]:[meaning]
t* : fish → words starting with 't' related to 'fish'
*'* : pure → words with a glotta, with 'pure' in the definition
:: → Searches of the form [query]::[example]
* :: enao na → any entry that has 'enao na' in the example
?in* :: ? para u ? → entry with 'in' after a letter, with 'para u' between other words


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